Chronic fatigue - Hormone Health Center

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent tiredness, fatigue, or exhaustion that is not improved by rest and is not directly caused by other medical conditions. Some key features of chronic fatigue include:

The exact causes of chronic fatigue are not well understood, but some theories suggest it may be related to infections, immune system dysfunction, stress, trauma, genetics, or other physiological imbalances.

If you suffer from long-lasting, unexplained exhaustion along with some of the above symptoms, I recommend getting checked out by your doctor to identify any underlying conditions. Your physician may run various medical tests or refer you to a specialist like an endocrinologist, immunologist, or integrative medicine doctor for further evaluation and personalized treatment plans.

At , our integrative doctors have extensive experience successfully treating chronic fatigue and related issues with customized protocols utilizing hormone optimization therapies, supplements, dietary changes, stress reduction techniques, and other holistic modalities to help patients regain their energy, focus, and quality of life.

I hope this overview gave you a helpful introduction on chronic fatigue syndrome. Please ask any other questions below or request a consultation to learn more about evidence-based treatment options that could potentially relieve your fatigue and improve your health. Wishing you the very best!

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