Hot flashes - Hormone Health Center

What are hot flashes?

Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are sudden feelings of warmth which are usually most intense over the face, neck and chest. They result from a reduction in female hormone levels, most commonly during perimenopause and menopause.

Some key things to know about hot flashes:

Over three-quarters of menopausal women have hot flashes. They seem connected to decreasing estrogen levels since they rarely occur premenstruation when estrogen is highest during the menstrual cycle.

The exact cause is unknown but appears to involve the hypothalamus, the area of the brain that regulates body temperature. Imbalances in serotonin, norepinephrine or endorphins may also play a role.

If your hot flashes are frequent and disruptive, consider making an appointment with Hormone Health Center. Our caring professionals offer customized hormone therapy and compounding services to help women alleviate hot flashes and other menopause symptoms.

Managing this challenging symptom tends to involve some trial and error. But effective solutions exist, like the personalized treatments we offer at Hormone Health Center. Our highly-trained staff stays up-to-date on innovative therapies so we can best serve our patients. Give us a call today to learn more!

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