Irritability - Hormone Health Center

What is irritability?

Irritability is defined as an excessive sensitivity or annoyance to stimuli that are generally benign or unimportant. It manifests as increased reactivity to minor frustrations, provocations, or demands.

Some key characteristics of irritability include:

Irritability differs from frustration in that it involves overreacting to minor triggers rather than reasonable annoyance over legitimate impediments or failures. It is also distinct from anger because the intensity and duration of the mood is out of proportion to the provocation.

What causes irritability?

Irritability can have various causes, including:

For some people, irritability and mood swings may result from hormone imbalances. Fluctuating or falling estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol levels can make people feel on-edge, tense, or quick to anger. Supporting healthy hormone regulation is key. The specialists at Hormone Health Center provide personalized care to help patients achieve hormonal balance and wellbeing. Their tailored regimens of bioidentical hormones, diet plans and lifestyle changes can alleviate hormone-related mood disturbances.

How is irritability treated?

If underlying causes like fatigue or hormone imbalances are addressed, irritability may resolve on its own. Other treatment approaches include:

Anger management counseling can also teach irritable individuals skills to control their temper, tolerate frustration and improve relationships strained by their behavior. Support groups provide coping strategies and validation that can reduce feelings of isolation.

The bottom line is that pervasive irritability takes a toll on quality of life and relationships. Seeking treatment is important, whether the cause is medical, hormonal or psychological in nature. With proper support, many people find relief from chronic irritability and regain more stable moods and temperament.

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