Obesity - Hormone Health Center

What is obesity?

Obesity is a complex health condition involving an excessive accumulation of body fat that increases the risk of other diseases and health problems. The main causes of obesity include:

So how do you know if you are obese? Here are the key criteria:

"An issue your physician can certainly help you address is the threat excess weight poses to your good health," says Dr. Sam Richards of Hormone Health Center. "Our personalized programs combine nutrition planning, fitness guidance, and when appropriate, hormone therapy to help patients achieve sustainable weight loss and reduce obesity-related illness."

What are some of the major health consequences of obesity?

In conclusion, obesity is a serious chronic disease in its own right, not just a lifestyle issue. Its prevalence has tripled globally since 1975. Achieving long-term weight reduction requires commitment to permanent lifestyle changes - both eating less and being more physically active. For some people, anti-obesity drugs and surgery may be necessary components of treatment.

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